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Josh Contreras

Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis: A Classic Textbook for Modern Biology

Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis: A Classic Textbook for Modern Biology

Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis is a textbook that covers the fundamental aspects of cell and molecular biology, written by Eduardo D. P. de Robertis and his son Eduardo M. F. de Robertis. The first edition was published in 1946 and was one of the first books to unify elements of biochemistry, genetics and physiology of the cell. It can be considered a precursor of the modern way of teaching cell and molecular biology.


The book has been updated and revised over the years, reflecting the advances and discoveries in the field. The 15th edition, published in 2010, includes topics such as cell structure and function, membrane transport, signal transduction, cell cycle and apoptosis, gene expression and regulation, DNA replication and repair, genetic recombination and transposition, chromosomes and chromatin, RNA processing and translation, protein structure and function, molecular evolution and genomics.

The book is written in a clear and concise style, with numerous illustrations, diagrams and tables to facilitate understanding. It also includes questions and exercises at the end of each chapter, as well as references and suggested readings for further study. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students of biology, biotechnology, medicine and related disciplines, as well as for researchers and professionals who want to refresh their knowledge of cell and molecular biology.

Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis is available in PDF format for download from various online sources. However, some of these sources may not be reliable or authorized by the authors or publishers. Therefore, it is advisable to check the quality and legitimacy of the PDF files before downloading them.

One of the distinctive features of Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis is its historical perspective, which traces the development of cell and molecular biology from its origins to the present day. The book acknowledges the contributions of many scientists who have shaped the field, such as Robert Hooke, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel, Friedrich Miescher, James Watson and Francis Crick, among others. The book also highlights the importance of experimental methods and techniques that have enabled the exploration and manipulation of cells and molecules, such as microscopy, electrophoresis, PCR, cloning and sequencing.

Another aspect that makes Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis a valuable resource is its integration of basic and applied aspects of cell and molecular biology. The book shows how the knowledge of cell and molecular biology can be applied to various fields and disciplines, such as biotechnology, medicine, agriculture, ecology and evolution. The book also discusses some of the ethical and social implications of cell and molecular biology, such as genetic engineering, gene therapy, stem cells and cloning.

In conclusion, Biologia Celular y Molecular de Robertis is a classic textbook that has been updated and revised to reflect the current state of cell and molecular biology. It covers the fundamental concepts and principles of the field in a clear and concise way, with numerous examples and illustrations. It also provides a historical and applied perspective that enriches the understanding of cell and molecular biology. It is a useful and comprehensive textbook for students and teachers of biology, as well as for anyone who is interested in learning more about the fascinating world of cells and molecules. 0efd9a6b88


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