Create a Download Progress Bar with JavaScript and Fetch API
If you want to show the user a progress-bar of the downloading process - you must do the download within the xmlhttprequest. One of the problems here is that if your files are big - they will be saved in the memory of the browser before the browser will write them to the disk (when using the regular download files are being saved directly to the disk, which saves a lot of memory on big files).
download progress bar javascript
Currently most of the web applications show a normal link for the users to download a file. When the link is clicked, the browser detects that it is a file, and allows the user to download it. This is the most easiest way of allowing users to download a file.
But in some cases the web application may want to handle the download part itself, rather than leaving it to the browser. It may have its own reasons like showing the download progress of the file in the applicaton's UI itself. Another reason may be monetization - the application can show an advertisement to the user while the file is being downloaded.
The above codes downloads the file and sets the object URL - basically the user has to click twice to download a file. You can also create the link dynamically, and invoke a click on it so that the user has to click once to download the file.
Unfortunately, by the time I researched for this article, I could not find a common way to monitor upload progress. The official whatwg Github repository has an open issue on a feature named FetchObserver. However, it seems we'll have to be patient for it to be implemented. Perhaps, it will make the features described in this article easier as well. The future will tell.
In this scenario, a JavaScript-based client downloading the data wouldn't be able to track the progress of the download in terms of percentage completion, as the total size isn't known ahead of time due to the use of chunked transfer encoding.
It is important to choose the right type of progress bar for the task at hand. Using a determinate progress bar for a task with an unknown duration can be misleading, as the user will not know how long the task will take to complete. Conversely, using an indeterminate progress bar for a task with a known duration can be frustrating for the user, as they will not be able to see how much progress has been made.
When downloading files from the Internet, you should reach for a streaming download. Streams are great to handle large files by chunking them into small pieces and downloading the files as individual chunks.
How to create a download progress bar using javascript and fetch API
Download progress indicator with javascript and XMLHttpRequest
Javascript download progress bar using blob and URL.createObjectURL
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Javascript and jQuery progress bar for downloading files from server
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Download progress bar with javascript and HTML5 canvas
Javascript download progress bar using streams and ReadableStream
How to get content-length header for javascript download progress bar
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How to pause and resume a download with javascript and range header
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Javascript download progress bar using vue and vuex
How to support multiple downloads with javascript and promise.all
Javascript download progress bar using svelte and store
How to handle gzip compressed response for javascript download progress bar
Javascript download progress bar using d3.js and svg
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Javascript download progress bar using backbone.js and model
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Using a stream works nice with a progress bar. Typically, when sending a download request to the remote server, it responds with the total size of the file. This total file size is stored in the content-length response header.
This tutorial downloads an image from Unsplash to your local disk. The sample code sends a request to Unsplash using Axios and expects a stream response. As soon as the response is available, you should grab the content-length value from the response headers.
While streaming the response to disk, you may listen for the data events on the file stream coming from Axios. The stream sending the unsplash image to your machine emits the data event every time it provides the next chunk. You can then notify the progress bar to update the status.
The web server serving this website is a version of Nginx server that provides the Content-Length header value in responses by default. If your browser can read the total value, then you will notice that some of my other working Threejs examples throughout this site, do show a download progress indicator.
If your browser has cached the model, then the download progress will be almost instant. Open the Developer tools on your browser, go to the Network tab and tick Disable cache. Then press the Refresh button in the working example again.
In this tutorial, we'll be creating a multiple file upload interface with a progress bar using JavaScript (AJAX) and PHP. Implementing an elegant interface for a seamless experience for the end user and utilizing modern elements for innovation.
A file upload interface is widely used, but most developers find it difficult to implement a progress bar and therefore I have decided to write this article to help guide you throughout the entire process, which includes creating the user interface, using JS to process the form and update the progress bar, and leveraging PHP to move uploaded files to a particular directory.
While the file upload with a progress bar interface may seem difficult to create, it's actually not and doesn't require as many lines of code as you may think. We'll implement the most elegant and clean methods while maintaining all the fundamental features for an upload interface.
Imagine the following scenario, you select your file using the input file element and subsequently submit the form, but you have no indication of the upload progress, so you'll assume the page is unresponsive and will most likely close it before the file successfully uploads.
The form interface will enable us to select multiple files and submit them for processing. It will consist of a label element, input file element, progress bar, submit button, and a container to output the response.
The XMLHttpRequest API will process our form and send the data to our server in the background. The progress event handler attached to the request object will update various elements with the current progress, which is measured in percentage. In addition, we're leveraging the linear-gradient CSS property to create our progress effect.
Whether you are uploading or downloading something, or even waiting for some progress to complete, it is good practice to let your users know what is going on with a CSS progress bar animation.
A CSS progress bar is a great way to let a user know what is going on and how long something is taking. These progress bars need to be real-time and updated without any freezing or lagging, otherwise, that might deter users away from poor performance.
Simple and effective circular progress bars done with only CSS. They get animated on page load as they use CSS keyframe animations. However, with a bit of JavaScript you should be able to adapt it and animate them on demand.
A simple dynamic CSS animated progress bar to learn from. It uses a little bit of JavaScript and jQuery to generate the percentage and trigger the animation. Therefore, we can actually trigger the animation whenever we want and not just during page load.
Cool animated and numbered progress bar. It is not only CSS but it uses a single JS command (the RegisterProperty function) to do all the work. It even uses a little icon that can be changed to your purpose.
This bar allows you to choose step-based percentages to fill the CSS animated progress bar. The color changes based on the level. Only HTML and CSS were used for this one, which is quite amazing given that it reacts to click events!
A Progress Bar is used to depict the progress of any task which is being carried out. Progress Bars are generally used to show the download and upload status. In other words we can say that, Progress Bars can be used to depict the status of anything that is in progress.
10 best free jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, and Pure CSS libraries that let you create circular (radial) progress bars to visualize percentage values for progress, statistics, loading state, and much more. Have fun.
Thrive is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a button progress indicator (aka Ladda Button) that displays the current loading progress in an inline button. Ideal for submit/subscription/upload buttons.
html5loader is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to preload media files (images, videos, scripts, text files, etc...) from a JSON file with a customizable preloader that displays the loading progress bar/percentage.
A Progress Bar implemented entirely using CSS 3 gradients, shadows, and border-radius, with a touch of animation. This progress bar will work in the latest version of all major browsers to provide full compatibility with animation, gradients
cli-progress is designed for linux/macOS/container applications which mostly providing standard compliant tty terminals/shells. In non-tty mode it is suitable to be used with logging daemons (cyclic output).
This is the product of some tweaking and experimentation, so perhaps there is a different and/or better way to achieve the same thing. We are specifying the height of the progress meter on Windows and a background image on Mac. The background image (the first one in the file) should be a segment of whatever you want the unfilled portion of the progress bar to look like. An image of 7 pixels wide and 12 pixels high seems to work well. The other two images are for the filled in progress bar on Windows and Mac respectively. Once again, a height of 12 pixels or so and a few pixels wide seems about right, though you might have to experiment with this a bit.
This is all you need to change the progress bar appearance for all downloads. If you want to change it for certain specific downloads only, things get a bit trickier. In your overlay file, add a JavaScript file between the and tags:
When you click on this container an open file window will open and you can select any file to upload. Once you select the file then you can see in the second picture, there is shown your file uploading status with filename, uploaded percent, progress bar, etc. and there is the history of the uploaded files with filename, size, etc.
In the JavaScript file, I used the change event to get the user selected filename and then called the uploadFile(filename) function with passing the filename as an argument. Inside uploadFile() function, using Ajax I sent the selected file to the PHP. As you can have seen on the codes, I used upload property and progress event to get file loaded value and file total size.
Note: In the video, I have manually slowed the Internet connection to upload files slowly and to show you the progress of uploading. So the small size file like images also taken time to upload but when you download this project and upload the image file then you might not see the progress bar because your file will be uploaded too fast.