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Harriette Pennison
Harriette Pennison

I recently attended a conference about the pertinence of Architectural Designers and would like to share what I gained from it with you in this blog post. Green building literacy has been an ill-defined term and green building themes have not been rigorously connected to science and environmental education. In order to try and meet housing needs as required by the Government, councils are required to fully assess all potential development land. If there are insufficient sites in the urban areas to meet all housing needs, councils must consider Green Belt land in order to assist with this. By devolving decisions on Green Belt release to district councils, it is unlikely that a radical approach to rethinking the Green Belt will ever take place. In such a context so-called NIMBYism is completely understandable. Any councillors brave enough to take on the challenge are unlikely to remain in office for long. The NPPF states that inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt. Applicants would need to demonstrate ‘very special circumstances’ to justify new tourist accommodation the Green Belt to clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and any other harm. Today’s societal landscape has created more demand for green design than ever before. Several factors are fueling the increasingly urgent interest in sustainable design techniques. The scale and siting of new development in the green belt should reflect and respect the character and amenity of the existing group and the individual houses within the group. The existing housing group should not expand (including cumulatively) by more than 100% the number of houses existing in that group. Many of the policy papers that point to the dubious agricultural or ecological value of the Green Belt lack sufficient support from current research. While accepting that releasing planning restrictions on Green Belt would increase housing supply (and theoretically reduce land prices), it is a leap too far to suggest that there is a direct relationship between the existence of Green Belt land and the shortage of housing in England. New housing within the green belt can permanently alter and change the appearance of an area. The continued protection of the countryside from inappropriate development is essential in order to retain a high quality rural environment. Green belt architectural businesses are proud to focus on a niche market providing Architectural Design and Building Contractor Services to domestic & commercial clients. ustainable architecture is part of sustainable development. This concept reflects on things like design and planning while trying to provide all the required life conditions. At the same time, it tries to save as many resources as possible. Key design drivers for Net Zero Architect tend to change depending on the context. Green Belt Architects A central problem with Green Belt development is that opposition is local and focused. Consequently it is not surprising that such objections often find support from local politicians. Local residents who object to development in their locality represent real votes that can be counted. The counter arguments, from those in housing need, are general and unrelated to the local debate. When determining planning applications, substantial weight should be given to any harm to the Green Belt and ‘inappropriate development’ should be approved only in ‘very special circumstances’. Not all development, however, is inappropriate. The NPPF sets out that specific types of development, such as small residential extensions and the replacement of buildings, are not inappropriate provided they meet a number of conditions. With green belt architects, every project is designed with sustainability in mind - it is Green belt architectsa part of a design process and fundamental to creating smart design solutions that are well integrated and economically viable. Finding a green field plot worthy of building your dream home on isn’t easy. But lateral thinking, detailed research and some savvy investigation can prove successful. The greenbelt was first introduced in 1938 to curb the growing and unruly growth of London. 84 years on and the greenbelt is still a major governing factor in planning permission across London today. An area that offers the largest urban green space for the city and spans a collective green mass of more than one million acres (405,700 hectares) it is hard to dispute that many would like to protect this space. A solid understanding of Green Belt Land makes any related process simple and hassle free. The experience of green belt architects spans from private residential to commercial and hospitality in the UK and overseas. For each project, they work with their clients to create bespoke design solutions that are tailored to the particular characteristics of the site, the ambition for the new development and the relevant parameters for construction. The NPPF acknowledges that certain other forms of development are also not inappropriate in the Green Belt. One example includes the re-use of buildings, such as the equestrian barn in this case, provided that the buildings are of permanent and substantial construction. Local planning authority consultation does not remove or affect the requirement for the applicant to complete and submit an ownership certificate and agricultural land declaration with an application for planning permission on the green belt. An essential part of bringing a project to fruition is having a solid working process. Green belt architects love to collaborate closely with their clients, to precisely understand their needs and allow them to be in control of shaping their outcomes. Where the value of property is strongly influenced by the proximity to particular urban areas, the effect is pronounced so that it cumulatively affects the average property value for the whole of the Green Belt. My thoughts on Green Belt Planning Loopholes differ on a daily basis. Difficult But Not Impossible The overwhelming need is for affordable, low-carbon homes in sustainable locations, and suited to our ageing population. The volume housebuilders, with few exceptions, focus on lower density, car-dependent developments, with lacklustre environmental performance. Some projects of green belt planners and architects are subtle but show a strong vision. They can be especially focused on residential projects that strengthen and energize their inhabitants. Protected sites are an integral part of an area’s green infrastructure and because they are afforded protection need to be considered in more detail. In order to develop land adjacent to protected habitats, early consultation with responsible bodies is important. This will help establish criteria required to protect functioning ecosystems and to ensure development proposals are appropriate. Many developers claim that Brownfield sites are insufficient to meet the demand and involve them in extra cost, e.g. de-contamination. This has led to an increase in house building in the form of urban extensions, and pressure on Green Belts. The Green Belt should be used for development to avoid the average house price for London reaching ‘a million pounds by 2020’. While some parts of the Green Belt are indeed Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Heritage Coasts, these are protected by other forms of planning legislation. Highly considered strategies involving New Forest National Park Planning may end in unwanted appeals. Green architecture can be wonderful examples of the possibility of humans living harmoniously within the environment. The opportunities exist to design beautiful, energy efficient and environmentally friendly residences and workplaces that demonstrate our human ability to adapt to and peacefully live within the ecology of the natural world. The past decade has witnessed a welcome new emphasis on open spaces and access to the countryside. Green belts have a declared function of facilitating such access. A purpose of green belts is to ‘protect and give access to open space within and around towns and cities.’ While we absolutely agree that Green Belts are important and should be preserved to protect their countryside and urban areas, there are many acceptable circumstances when extensions, alterations and even the replacement of properties on them are permitted. Planning permission will not be granted for a replacement house in the green belt where a house has already been demolished. The guidelines will also not extend to a substantially derelict structure. The existing building must comprise all of the essential characteristics of a house, including reasonably sound and complete walls and roof. Unfortunately, all too often the Green Belt provides arbitrary protection for previously developed sites which provide little or no aesthetic or natural value. These are sites which could provide much-needed housing, including affordable housing, while also increasing biodiversity and creating public open spaces. Policies to protect such sites do little to address either the levelling up agenda or the housing crisis. Innovative engineering systems related to Architect London are built on on strong relationships with local authorities. Design And Access Statements Green Belt reviews and allocations in emerging Local Plans offer opportunities to seek re-allocation of land. With local authorities exploring development scenarios for their areas they can support clients in making the best case on their behalf to promote and nominate land for development. A green belt architectural business takes on projects of all scales where they can transform buildings through inspirational design, careful repair or strategic planning and have been featured many times in magazines such as Good Homes, Built It and Real Homes. Implementing measures to reduce the consumption of energy in the built environment is a critical path to generating carbon savings. Developing net-zero buildings reduces the annual volume of carbon emission being released into the environment, consistently helping reduce the impact on the earth’s atmosphere. You can check out supplementary insights about Architectural Designers in this House of Commons Library entry. Related Articles: Extra Information With Regard To Green Belt Architects Background Findings On Green Belt Architectural Designers More Background Information About Green Belt Planning Loopholes Supplementary Findings About Net Zero Architects Additional Insight With Regard To Green Belt Architectural Consultants Extra Information With Regard To London Architects Background Insight About Green Belt Consultants


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