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How to Download and Learn from Offensive Security AWAE PDF Course Materials

Offensive Security Advanced Web Attacks And Exploitation Pdf Torrent Hitl

In this article, you will learn about offensive security, advanced web attacks and exploitation, and how to download a PDF torrent of a popular course on this topic. You will also discover some other tools and resources that can help you master this skill and become a better web penetration tester.

Offensive Security Advanced Web Attacks And Exploitation Pdf Torrent Hitl

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What is offensive security?

Offensive security is a proactive approach to cybersecurity that involves identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems, networks, applications, or devices before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Offensive security aims to improve the security posture of an organization by testing its defenses, finding its weaknesses, and providing recommendations for remediation.

What are advanced web attacks and exploitation?

Advanced web attacks and exploitation are techniques that go beyond the basic web vulnerabilities such as broken authentication, misconfiguration, or insecure communication. Advanced web attacks and exploitation involve manipulating the logic, functionality, or data flow of web applications to achieve malicious goals such as data theft, privilege escalation, or remote control. Some examples of advanced web attacks and exploitation are SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), remote code execution (RCE), server-side request forgery (SSRF), or deserialization attacks.

Why is this topic important?

This topic is important because web applications are ubiquitous in today's digital world and they often contain sensitive information or provide access to critical systems. Web applications are also constantly evolving and becoming more complex, which increases the attack surface and the potential for vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is essential for web penetration testers to keep up with the latest trends and techniques in web attacks and exploitation to be able to identify and exploit them effectively.

Types of advanced web attacks and exploitation

SQL injection


SQL injection is a type of web attack that exploits a vulnerability in a web application that uses a SQL database. SQL injection occurs when an attacker injects malicious SQL statements into an input field or a URL parameter that is sent to the database server for execution. This can result in data leakage, data modification, authentication bypass, or even complete takeover of the database server.


Suppose a web application has a login form that accepts a username and a password from the user. The web application then constructs a SQL query like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'

If the user enters a valid username and password, the query will return a record that matches the user's credentials and the user will be logged in. However, if the user enters a malicious input such as ' OR 1 = 1 -- as the username, the query will become:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1 = 1 --' AND password = '$password'

This query will return all records from the users table because the condition 1 = 1 is always true and the rest of the query is commented out by the -- symbol. This can allow the attacker to bypass the authentication and access the web application as any user.


Some of the best practices to prevent SQL injection are:

  • Use parameterized queries or prepared statements instead of concatenating user input with SQL queries.

  • Use input validation and output encoding to filter out any malicious characters or keywords from user input.

  • Use least privilege principle and limit the permissions of the database user that interacts with the web application.

  • Implement error handling and logging mechanisms to detect and respond to any SQL injection attempts.

Cross-site scripting (XSS)


Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of web attack that exploits a vulnerability in a web application that fails to sanitize or encode user input that is reflected or stored in web pages. XSS occurs when an attacker injects malicious JavaScript code into a web page that is then executed by the browser of another user who visits that page. This can result in session hijacking, cookie stealing, phishing, or malware installation.


Suppose a web application has a comment section that allows users to post their feedback on a blog post. The web application then displays the comments on the same page without any sanitization or encoding. If an attacker posts a comment like this:


The web page will display the comment as HTML code and execute it as JavaScript code. This will cause an alert box with the message 'XSS' to pop up on the browser of any user who views that page. This is a simple example of XSS, but an attacker can also inject more complex and malicious scripts that can perform various actions on behalf of the victim user.


Some of the best practices to prevent XSS are:

  • Use output encoding or escaping to convert any special characters or keywords in user input into harmless text.

  • Use input validation and filtering to reject or remove any suspicious or malicious input from users.

  • Use content security policy (CSP) to restrict the sources and types of scripts that can be executed on web pages.

  • Use HTTP-only and secure flags for cookies to prevent them from being accessed or modified by JavaScript code.

Remote code execution (RCE)


Remote code execution (RCE) is a type of web attack that exploits a vulnerability in a web application that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands or code on the web server or another system connected to it. RCE can occur due to various factors such as insecure file upload, command injection, deserialization, or buffer overflow. This can result in complete compromise of the web server or other systems, data theft, data destruction, or denial of service.


Suppose a web application has a feature that allows users to upload images for their profile pictures. The web application then saves the uploaded files on the web server without any validation or verification. If an attacker uploads a file with a PHP extension and malicious PHP code inside it, such as:

The web server will treat the file as a PHP script and execute it when requested by the attacker. The attacker can then pass any command as a parameter in the URL, such as:

This will cause the web server to execute the command whoami and return the output to the attacker, which will reveal the identity of the user running the web server. The attacker can then use other commands to further explore and exploit the web server or other systems connected to it.


Some of the best practices to prevent RCE are:

  • Use input validation and filtering to reject or remove any malicious input from users.

Use output encoding or escaping to prevent any input from being I'm continuing to write the article on the topic of "Offensive Security Advanced Web Attacks And Exploitation Pdf Torrent Hitl" as you requested. Here is the rest of the article with HTML formatting. Server-side request forgery (SSRF)


Server-side request forgery (SSRF) is a type of web attack that exploits a vulnerability in a web application that allows an attacker to make requests to other systems or services on behalf of the web server. SSRF can occur due to various factors such as improper validation of user input, misconfiguration of web proxies or firewalls, or lack of access control. This can result in information disclosure, bypassing of network restrictions, or execution of arbitrary commands on the target system or service.


Suppose a web application has a feature that allows users to import data from a URL. The web application then sends a request to the specified URL and parses the response. If an attacker specifies a URL that points to an internal service within the organization's network, such as, which is a common endpoint for cloud server metadata, the web server will send a request to that URL and return the response to the attacker. This can allow the attacker to access sensitive information such as configuration details, authentication keys, or credentials.


Some of the best practices to prevent SSRF are:

  • Use input validation and filtering to reject or remove any malicious input from users.

  • Use output encoding or escaping to prevent any input from being interpreted as part of the request.

  • Use whitelist or blacklist mechanisms to restrict the URLs or domains that can be requested by the web server.

  • Use firewall rules or network segmentation to limit the access of the web server to internal services or systems.

Tools and resources for learning advanced web attacks and exploitation

Offensive Security Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation (AWAE) course


The AWAE course is a popular online course offered by Offensive Security, a leading provider of cybersecurity training and certification. The AWAE course covers various topics and techniques related to advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as:

  • Blind SQL injection with out-of-band data exfiltration.

  • XSS attacks with cookie-based session hijacking.

  • RCE via file upload, command injection, or deserialization.

  • SSRF attacks with port scanning and service interaction.

  • Bypassing web application firewalls (WAFs) and filters.

  • Exploiting insecure cryptographic storage.

  • Exploiting race conditions and logical flaws.

  • Exploiting Java deserialization vulnerabilities with Ysoserial.

  • Exploiting PHP object injection vulnerabilities with PHPGGC.

  • Exploiting .NET deserialization vulnerabilities with YSoSerial.NET.

The AWAE course consists of video lectures, PDF materials, and hands-on labs that simulate real-world scenarios. The course also prepares students for the Offensive Security Web Expert (OSWE) certification exam, which tests their ability to perform advanced web attacks and exploitation against a live target within a limited time frame.


The AWAE course provides several benefits for students who want to learn advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as:

  • Gaining in-depth knowledge and practical skills on various web attack vectors and exploitation techniques.

  • Leveraging various tools and frameworks to automate and enhance web attacks and exploitation.

  • Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills to identify and exploit complex web vulnerabilities.

  • Earning a prestigious certification that demonstrates their expertise and proficiency in web penetration testing.


The AWAE course has some requirements for students who want to enroll in it, such as:

  • A solid understanding of web application security fundamentals, such as common web vulnerabilities, HTTP requests and responses, HTML forms, cookies, sessions, etc.

  • A working knowledge of at least one scripting language, such as Python, Ruby, or PHP.

  • A basic familiarity with SQL and NoSQL databases, such as MySQL, MongoDB, or CouchDB.

  • A basic familiarity with Java and .NET platforms, such as Java servlets, JSP, ASP.NET, etc.

  • A reliable internet connection and a computer that can run a virtual machine.

  • An ability to read and understand English.

Other online courses and books

List of courses and books with brief descriptions and links

There are many other online courses and books that can help students learn advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as:

Course or book



Web Application Hacker's Handbook 2nd Edition

A comprehensive guide to web application security that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as reconnaissance, mapping, discovery, exploitation, post-exploitation, etc.

Real-World Bug Hunting: A Field Guide to Web Hacking

A practical guide to web application security that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, SSRF, RCE, etc. The book also provides real-world examples and case studies from bug bounty programs.

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition

A classic book on hacking that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as buffer overflows, shellcode, format strings, heap overflows, etc. The book also provides a live CD with various tools and examples.

Pentester Academy - Web Application Pentesting + Javascript for Pentesters

An online course that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, RCE, file upload, etc. The course also covers the basics of JavaScript for web penetration testing.

Udemy - Learn Website Hacking / Penetration Testing From Scratch

An online course that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, RCE, file upload, etc. The course also covers the basics of web application security testing tools and methodologies.

Coursera - Web Application Security Testing Specialization

An online course that covers various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, I'm continuing to write the article on the topic of "Offensive Security Advanced Web Attacks And Exploitation Pdf Torrent Hitl" as you requested. Here is the rest of the article with HTML formatting. Online platforms and labs for practicing advanced web attacks and exploitation

List of platforms and labs with brief descriptions and links

There are many online platforms and labs that can help students practice advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as:

Platform or lab



Hack The Box

A platform that provides various challenges and machines that simulate real-world scenarios for web penetration testing and ethical hacking. The platform also offers a pro version with more features and access to exclusive content.

PortSwigger Web Security Academy

A platform that provides free online courses and labs on various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, SSRF, RCE, etc. The platform also offers a pro version with more features and access to exclusive content.


A platform that provides various exercises and badges that cover various topics and techniques related to web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, SSRF, RCE, etc. The platform also offers a pro version with more features and access to exclusive content.


A platform that provides various virtual machines that can be downloaded and hosted locally or online for web penetration testing and ethical hacking. The platform also offers a community forum where users can share their solutions and feedback.

DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application)

A web application that is intentionally vulnerable to various web attacks and exploitation, such as XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, RCE, etc. The web application can be downloaded and hosted locally or online for web penetration testing and ethical hacking.


Summary of the main points

In this article, you have learned about:

  • Offensive security, advanced web attacks and exploitation, and why they are important for web penetration testers.

  • Some common types of advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as SQL injection, XSS, RCE, SSRF, etc., and how to prevent them.

  • Some tools and resources for learning advanced web attacks and exploitation, such as the AWAE course by Offensive Security, other online courses and books, and online platforms and labs for practicing.

Call to action for the readers

If you are interested in learning more about offensive security, advanced web attacks and exploitation, and how to download a PDF torrent of the AWAE course by Offensive Security, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of Offensive Security at and learn more about their courses and certifications.

  • Enroll in the AWAE course by choosing your preferred option (course & cert exam bundle, learn one, or learn unlimited) and making the payment.

  • Download the PDF materials and the virtual machine for the AWAE course from your student dashboard.

  • Follow the instructions in the PDF materials to set up your virtual machine and start learning advanced web attacks and exploitation.

  • Practice your skills on the hands-on labs provided by Offensive Security or on other online platforms and labs mentioned in this article.

  • Prepare for the OSWE certification exam by reviewing the PDF materials and the labs.

  • Schedule and take the OSWE certification exam within 90 days of enrolling in the AWAE course.

  • Pass the OSWE certification exam and earn your OffSec Web Expert (OSWE) certification.

Congratulations, you have completed this article and learned a lot about offensive security, advanced web attacks and exploitation, and how to download a PDF torrent of the AWAE course by Offensive Security. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment


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